Police Dept.
Fire Dept. / Ambulance
The Codes Enforcement Officer operates the Village of Ilion Codes. All of the codes are enforced with the use of the New York State Fire, Building, Property Maintenance and the Village of Ilion Code.
The Codes Enforcement Officer will be going throughout the Village to check on conditions. All buildings must be identified with numbers or alphabet letters. They must be visible and legible from the street and contrast with the background. The minimum height of either is 4 inches.
Building permits are needed for everything except painting, siding, roofing, replacement windows, sidewalks and driveways.
REMINDER: ALL dog walkers are responsible to clean up their dog(s) feces from public and private property.
For further information regarding certain code operations, please refer to the following:
New York State State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code(Uniform Code) that the Village adopted several years ago.
CLICK HERE to view Village Codes and Charter.
CLICK HERE to view the Village of Ilion Codes Zoning map.
To contact the Codes Enforcement Officer, call 315-895-7449 X 3223.
Office hours for the Codes Enforcement Officer are by appointment only.