At podium Deputy Chief Bob Paddock, Mayor John Stephens, Deputy Mayor Beth Neale, Assemblyman Marc Butler, MC Steve McMurr
Unveiling of special Monument by Fire Chief James Trevett
Monumnet unveiled
Assemblyman Butler adds comments while Mayor Stephens and Deputy Mayor Neale listen.
Placing of wreath by Alyssa Trevett and Pat Whalen in honor of civilians who died on 911,
Placing of wreath by Lt. Col.(ret) Bob Manion and Staff Sgt. (ret) Mike Sportello in honor of military who lost their lives.
Special salute by NYS Police Capt Francis Coots and Police Chief Tim Parisi following placement of wreath honoring police
Deputy Fire Fire Chief D. Trevor and Herkimer Firec Chief John Spanfelner place wreath to honor firefighters lost on 9 11, 2011
Deputy Mayor Beth Neale delivering special comments on 911
Mayor John Stephens adds comments on 9-11, 2001 and 9-11 2011
Fire Chief James Trevett comments on the event
Village of Ilion Volunteer Honor Guard for the event
Fire Chief James Trevett, Builder Dave Mackin and Mayor John Stephens